Financial Literacy
Access to formal credit along with financial education is the key to financial inclusion of the poor and unprivileged. With the knowledge of financial literacy the unbanked population have better access to financial services. It is an important mechanism to advance knowledge regarding the operations of the market, access to information on products, prices, savings and informed investment. Adhikar is striving towards rendering financial literacy to educate its customers on various financial services and risk management. Financial literacy capacitates them to take appropriate financial decisions and manage myriad financial risks. We assist clients in opening bank accounts and provide hand holding support to help them access all financial services. Adapting a Training of Trainers (ToT) approach we impart the financial education through trained Master Trainers and Bita Sathis to our customers spread across the county. We also have a well-equipped training center at the Head Office at Bhubaneswar where such programs are conducted in regular intervals throughout the year.