Adhikar is committed to provide the best service to its customers and ensure customer satisfaction. We believe in having a strong mechanism and efficient service to minimize customer complaints and grievances. Also ensure prompt redressal of the complaints and grievances.

For the purpose of the policy, ‘Grievances’ means individual client grievance and includes all matters relating to:

  • Micro lending
  • Insurance, Pension and any other products and their regulation
  • Any other financial transactions undertaken between the client and the member MFI
  • Interpersonal issues arising between the client and MFI in terms of conduct and behavior.

Adhikar Grievance Redressa Mechanism is based on the following client protection principles

  • All clients must be treated fairly at all times. Clients are being educated during the three days CGT.
  • Complaints/Grievances raised by the clients must be dealt with courtesy and in time.
  • All clients are fully informed of the avenues to escalate their complaints/grievances within the organization and their rights to alternative remedy, if they are not fully satisfied with the response of the Company to their complaints/grievances.
  • The Company will treat all complaints/grievances efficiently and fairly as they can damage the Company’s reputation and microfinance operations, if handled otherwise.
  • The employees will work in good faith and without prejudice to the interests of the client. In order to make Company’s Client Grievance Redressal System more meaningful and effective, we are hereby setting up a structured client grievance.

There are different channels through which customer can lodge their complaints and grievances with Adhikar:

Level 1:

 At Branch: Complain register provided at every branch. All the passbooks are provided with branch phone number. Most of the grievances could be raised with the branch manager. Customers can visit the branch or call on the given number and record their complaints and grievances in the register maintained at the branch. They can also visit the branch in person and drop their complaints and grievances in the complain box provided at every branch. If the client does not receive a satisfactory response in the branch within 15 working days, can approach 2nd level of the grievance redressal mechanism forum.

Level 2:

Customer Care Helpdesk: A dedicated toll free number is available at Head Office overseen by Chief Grievance Redressal Officer. Customers can register their complaints and grievances by calling on the toll free number – 1800 345 7124. The Customer Care Helpdesk remains opened during the office hours only in all working days from 9AM to 6 PM. Also they can send their complaints and grievances in writing by post on the following address:

The Chief Nodal Officer,
Customer Grievance Cell,
Adhikar Microfinance Private Limited,
Plot No: 77/180/970,Subudhipur, Tamando,
Bhubaneswar- 752054, Odisha.

Phone: +91 (674) 2475173

Or Email to


Level – 3

If the customers are not satisfied with the resolution given by Chief Nodal Officer at head office or do not receive a satisfactory response within 15 days, they can call MFIN Toll Free No: 1800 2700 317.

Also if the grieivance is not resolved within 30 days, the customer may appeal to RBI on the following address:


Deputy General Manager

Officer-In-Charge (RBI) Regional Office,

Department of Non-banking Supervision (DNBS)

Reserve Bank of India, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Phone – 0674 2393993